Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Hair Minimizing Deodorant

Dove has released a new hair minimizing deodorant that promises to slow down hair growth in a matter of 4 weeks. GASP! How amazing would this be if it really works!?!?! According to an article on the Daily Mail, this is first being released in the UK and if successful, they will release it here in the U.S. Personally, I would so buy this since I am a victim of thick, dark underarm hair. What do you think? Would you buy this?


  1. I would definitely try this one out, especially since I am a victim of the thick, dark underarm hair as well.

  2. I would love to try this too..I think lots of us Desi girls are cursed with bad underarms..ugh!

  3. Seriously! If only laser hair removal was cheaper....
