Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Experiment with Woodwinked and Cranberry

I decided I needed to experiment more with color combinations so I opened up one of my MAC palettes and decided to just see what came to me. I took a look at Woodwinked and decided to apply it all over my lid. Woodwinked is beautiful just on its own, but I wanted to experiment, and since it is so shimmery, I did not want to add more shimmer. I took a look at Cranberry and thought, hmm, I wonder what that would look like paired with the Woodwinked already on my lid. I used the 224 to dust Cranberry into the crease. I did not apply liner, but I did put on some mascara. This is what it turned out to be:

Keep in mind, I still haven't had a chance to play around with my camera so this photo is not so great and does not reflect the true color intensity. I did try and take more photos but the quality was bad and I was too embarrassed to post those. So this one will have to do for now, until I figure out how to take better pics.

Anyways, the combo looked really pretty on and it gives the eye some visual interest, without being too funky or disco-ball-y.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting color choice..I should experiment more with my colors, instead of getting in a makeup rut. The colors complement each other well..Would love to see other pics if you decide to redo this look sometime.
