Thursday, August 6, 2009

Super slackin

I know I haven't written about anything substantial for a few days, but my life has been crazy busy. Work has been super insane and after a long day, the last thing I have been wanting to do is sit in front of the computer, although I do love my readers and computering for you is sooo different and way more fun than work! In addition, my cousin is getting married in San Francisco this weekend so I have been trying to pack for my trip and prepare for that (I just had to get a pedi). Other family members attending the wedding have recently had babies so I am trying to get presents and make some creative ones too!

I went to an Estee Lauder class at Macys last week and I have been wanting to write about that so hopefully tonight I will be on my way and will have time to type it up and post!

How has your week been? Anything interesting/fun planned for this weekend?

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