Monday, October 26, 2009

Shades of Pink...Eyeshadow that is

This is a look that I do frequently because I love pink eyeshadow. It's quite simple and when I have no idea what to do, this is my default look.

Here's what I used, all MAC:
  1. Gleam shadow on the inner half of the upper and lower lid
  2. Mythology shadow on the outer half of the upper and lower lid
  3. Cranberry shadow in the outer corner and crease
  4. Pearlglide liner in Black Russian to line the upper lid
  5. Feline Kohl Power pencil to line the waterline

Do you have a go-to eye look? If so, do share! I'd love to hear about it and get some new ideas.


  1. I love this with Cranberry! I use pink on the lid quite a bit--and I think it makes you look younger and more youthful. My go to look is very similar, but with browns and brown liner. They do have a bit of shimmer though--but it's safe for the workplace (although in my mind anything should be safe!)

  2. Really hot look!!!! :) I love the contrast of the pink with the green eyes!

  3. This is a beautiful look! I love pink eyeshadow too.

  4. @fantastic Thank you! Cranberry is one of the first MAC shadows I got and I still love it!

    @Tali Thanks girlie! I dunno what it is about pink, but I love wearing it! It suits just about everyone!

    @gio Thank you! What is your favorite way to wear pink?


    i unfortunately can't pull of pinks (NW15 skin tone) - they make me look like i've been bitten by mosquitoes... the only exception is a light, almost white shell pink, which can be used as a base.

    IMO it's a great color for green eyes!

    i tend to veer towards purples and greens if i'm up for color, but generally it's about neutrals (gray based browns, champagne etc.) :)

  6. This look looks great on you! I love how the colors blend and especially like how cranberry looks. I'll have to add that to my wishlist.

  7. @lareinarumbera You are so sweet! Yes, I can imagine how pink would be strong on light skin tones. I have done light shell pinks on NW15 skin tones, with colors like sketch in the crease and it looks quite nice. Purples and greens are great too!

    @Neena Thanks dear! I know how you feel...everytime I see someone use a color I don't have, I want it...hehehe.

  8. Oh boy, where do you want me to start with the go-to eye looks? There's the grey eye, the purple eye, the peacock blue eye, the bright big "You totally can't tell I stayed up until 2 AM typing my essay" eye, the killer brown smokey eye, and the slight cat eye. The grey eye and the big "you totally can't tell I stayed up until 2 AM" eye have been the ey looks of choice lately.

    Y'know, I thought I got out of essay hell LAST WEEK only to find I'm there again. Who invented Midterms and essays? I want to shoot them in the head and/or scream bloody murder while wringing their neck and slamming it against a wall or something. They are not high-strung people friendly.

  9. My go-to look is very similar to this. Instead of mythology, I use Swish.

  10. @Kate Wow you have a lot of go-to looks! That's awesome that so many things work well for you! I know how you feel about the workload, I did my time too, but hopefully your hard work pays off later on. Good luck with midterms!

    @BeautyTalk I don't have Swish, I will have to swatch it next time I am at MAC.

  11. Kajal--I have so many because it definitely depends how I feel. Over the summer I was wearing a lot of peacock blue eyeshadow. The grey eyeshadow (Is it fairy Dust or Sparkle Dust? I can't remember the sparkle-y grey color in Jane Iredale Sweet 15 palette)I use really brings out the slate grey undertones in my eyes so I wear it when I don't really want my brown eyes to look so brown. I need so many looks because the artist in me hates just one. I need choices.
