Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Meeeow! A Smoky Cat Eye

Hey lovelies! With the Thanksgiving holiday I was falling behind on my blogging, but I have just been so busy!! I had a wonderful long weekend and am back to work! Here is a cat eye look I did the other day just for fun:

How was your Thanksgiving? I am pressed for time right now so I can't write much, but if you want to know how I did this look or want to know what I used, let me know in the comments!


  1. you have such a pretty eye color, and the quality of this photo really catches the various specks of color :)

  2. Love this look! Which colors did you use?

  3. @fantastic Thanks dear! I actually thought the pic was not so great because of the light from the flash, but I am glad you like it!

    @Neena Hmmm I actually can't remember anymore! I think I used Blacktrack fluidline as a base on the outer corner, topped that with UD Perversion and MAC Carbon, then took a white shade (can't remember what I used) and applied in the inner and mid areas of the lid and blended it all out. I lined the upper lid with Blacktrack fluidline, used Feline on the waterline. I know it doesn't help that I can't remember all the colors, but any black and shimmery white shadow should do.
