Saturday, February 13, 2010

Lush BB Seaweed Face Mask Review

Hey gals and guys! I was in Lush and wanted to try out their fresh face masks. Apparently those get sold quite quickly and they get shipments only once a week. So I had only 2 options, and I chose the BB Seaweed Face Mask. It is supposed to be relaxing and refreshing, and it was!

It feels very cool on the skin, and when you wash it off, you feel very fresh and clean. It does give your skin a bit of a glow. There is no tight feeling afterwards, which is nice, because it does just what is says on the tub. The only thing a little funny, was that is has chunks of seaweed in it, and that was a new experience. But it did not feel odd or anything, just something new, since most face masks are thin or even in consistency, not chunky. Oh, and the tub seems small, but my mom and I both used this at least 3-4 times each, using generous portions, so there really is a lot of product in the tub.

Kajal Couture Overall Rating: A

Kajal Couture Overall Opinion: Great face masks for a refreshing feeling. If you want some other properties like firming or deep pore cleansing, this might not be the one for you. But if you want your skin to be relaxed and clean, and just be in a balanced state, this is a great mask.

How is your V-day weekend? Mine just got a little sweeter. My fiance brought me red roses this morning! Yay!! I don't think we are doing anything that spectacular or romantical (yes that is a word my fiance and I made up), as we are attending an annual college friend reunion party tonight, and tomorrow (V-day) we will probably go see the movie Valentines Day. Yes, very cliche, but I have been wanting to see that movie since the first preview I saw months ago!

What are you plans? Of course its wonderful to have a significant other, but I think some of my most fun V-days were hanging out with the girls doing anti-guy stuff. =)


  1. One of these days I'll have to go into a LUSH store and try out some stuff. I'm always hearing great reviews about their products.
    So sweet of the fiance to bring you roses. I'll be watching the Valentine's day movie too and probably dine out for dinner.

  2. @Neena Did you watch the movie? What did you think? I liked it but it wasn't amazing. I liked the happy ending and I liked all the celebs in it.

  3. I agree. . .I liked the movie but didn't love it like some did.

  4. love lush's facemasks! You should try love lettuce if you haven't yet! I heart your blog, it's fab! I'm posting through my phone right now, but I'll come back tomorrow for more :)

  5. @Neena Hehe I feel ya!

    @shivanixx Aw thanks! Your blog is great too! I haven't tried the lettuce mask but now I will check it out next time I go to Lush. I wish they sold those onlne!

  6. just coming across your blog.. really like it :-) thanks for review i was going to buy this next..currently using brazened honey which is simply amazing on my dull combo skin.. i think its one of their best !! try it!!
