Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Beginning of the Rest of My Life

So as I've mentioned before, I am getting married in May!!! Since it is getting close, a lot of friends and family have been asking "Are you excited?" And every time I hear that I am overcome with mixed emotions. OF COURSE I am excited to be getting married to the love of my life. But the planning process, although fun, can be quite stressful. I started the planning process soon after we got engaged last February (our engagement anniversary is coming up....eeeeeee!), but with only 3 months to go, it's time to start sorting out all the details and really get prepared.

By the way, I love this cousin is a photographer and this is from a wedding he shot a couple years ago. I used this as the opening photo for my wedding website.

Since my wedding is one of the most important events in my life, I figured I would start blogging about it. I get a lot of questions about the whole event, especially since it is so unique to non-Indians, and I thought it would be nice to share a little of my special day with all of you. Hopefully, this will help you with your future wedding process, let you reminisce about your own wedding, or just allow you a peek into my personal life. In any case, cheers and I hope you enjoy the posts!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. congratulations on your upcoming remember to take a breather and enjoy the process no matter how hectic things and life get..would love to see some posts on your skin care rituals and make up choices for your wedding.

  3. Hey! Congrats! :D Wishing you both a very happy life together :)

  4. @J Thanks for the advice! Through all the stress I have to keep reminding myself that I chose this!

    @Tanveer Thank you so much!!! =)

  5. CONGRATULATIONS!! Keep blogging we want to see your build up to the big day (with photos lol)
    eeeee soo exciting!!!
