Thursday, August 12, 2010

Liquid Liner in a Stick? Stila Smudge Stick Waterproof Eye Liner Review and Swatch

Whenever I write a post on blush, I always think to myself, "blush is my favorite product." Whenever I write a post on eyeshadow, I always think to myself, "eyeshadow is my favorite product." So naturally, when I started writing this post, I thought to myself, "eyeliner is my favorite product." I might as well admit it, there isn't a single type of product I don't love!!

So when you take a girl who loves makeup and pair her up with some amazing products, what do you get? Imagine a mob of teeny boppers squeeling with excitement at the sight of their favorite boy band. Yes, my friends, that's how I felt when I tried the new Stila Smudge Stick Waterproof Eye Liner:

The Stila Smudge Sticks were launched earlier this summer and Stila was on-target with that move. This liner has such great staying power that it can withstand crazy-high levels of humidity, battle the teary eyes from the summer wedding you went to, the refreshing swims on those hot summer days, and just about anything that makes most liners fade.

I love that this liner is s twist-up, meaning no sharpeners required. It is always ready to go, which makes it perfect for any makeup bag, including makeup artist kits and traveling, since you don't have to carry an extra tool with you. This is one of the big selling points of this liner vs. the UD 24/7 liners. The UD pencils come in a larger variety of shades so I can't totally convert, since this liner comes in only 8 shades. However, from photos, the Stila shades are beautiful and most of them have a little shimmer, including the one I tried, the shimmery olive shade Moray:

When I first swatched this on my hand, I waited a few minutes for the liner to set and then rubbed my hand using a lot of pressure, to try and get this to smudge. The swatch above is from after rubbing my hand. Amazing, right? The liner didn't budge or fade. This product is like liquid liner in a stick. It lasts forever! If you do want to smudge this out a bit, you have to work fast, within the first minute or so of applying it. Then once it sets, it really sets, and there is no need to reapply or worry about fading.

I am definitely going to run out and get the black pencil and check out the other colors. After all, eyeliner is my favorite product, right? Hehehe....

Kajal Couture Overall Rating: A+

Kajal Couture Overall Opinoin: The Stila Smudge Stick Waterproof Eye Liner has amazing staying power, comes in a automatic, twsit-up form so there is no need to sharpen, comes in a good range of colors (including standard black), can be smudged or used to get a straight line...what's not to love?!?!

Disclaimer: This product was provided by PR for consideration.


  1. Wow, sounds like a great eyeliner. I always have trouble getting liners to stay on my waterline. They always end up fading or falling below the lid causing ugly raccoon eyes. I'll have to check this one out. If you happened to try this on your waterline I would love to hear your thoughts!

  2. I have been eyeing these myself...but they are ridiculously expensive here

  3. Hey Rani,
    I finally got around to following your blog. I would always visit your blog ( I followed without actually following) **sheepish grin** but today I am officially following you.

    Its strange, but I am feeling so happy doing it :-)

  4. @Neena The olive color doesn't show up too well on my waterline so I will have to test the black one. My best results for the waterline are when I use a gel liner topped with a black pencil.

    @Maddy I'm so happy you are enjoying the blog and now also a follower! Thanks for your support! It's readers like you that keep me going!!! =)
