Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Have you gotten your Illamasqua on?

Have you tried anything from lllamasqua? They launched in Sephora about a year ago and they make some pretty interesting products....like their Liquid Metals...which I have been dying to try pretty much all year long!! Well, the Illamasqua angels heard me and sent me the Liquid Metal in Solstice...a GORGEOUS golden color:

Liquid metals are cream products that can be used anywhere. They are softer than cream color bases, but more solid than liquid products. Straight out of the tub, on my finger, it looks like this product is super pigmented:

I absolutely love the color, but found that it is a lot sheerer on the skin:

The product is even more sheer when worn on the eye. Here I applied one layer of the liquid metal on the inner half of my lid (excuse the brow hairs....I was in major need of a threading session):

In theory, you could keep adding thin layers of the product in order to get the more intense golden color, however tbut the problem with this product is that it does crease. You have to use it on top of a primer to get the product to last. If I use a primer, then keep adding layers of product to get more color, I would have about an inch of goop on my eye, and that does not feel attractive.

I think this product is best for a sheer wash of color or as a base for a powder shadow. This would also be pretty to use as a highlight (perhaps the silver color would be better for that?), or to add some glow to your shoulders. I still like it because it is a gorgeous color, but I have a feeling the other Illamasqua products will strike more home runs that this one.

Kajal Couture Rating: B

Kajal Couture Overall Opinion: I think this product is definitely usable but not the most functional. I still love it because of the color and if you like subtlety and trying out different products, this may be a good product for you.


  1. Ohhh, I would be a baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad influence on you. I'm in love with their nail polishes. I haven't branched out, but don't get me talking about the nail polish. I could go on forever.

  2. Amazing post!
    I'm a big fan of makeup!

    By the way, as you love nail polish as much as I do, check out these NEW three nail polish on Ebay.com.

    They're on PROMO , LESS THAN $1!!
    Dont miss it!!!
    A.H. Nail Polsih Limited Ed. Exclusive on Ebay.com ONLY $0.99

  3. @Katie Be a bad influence on me....pleeeeease!!!! Hehehe...

    @Kiu Thanks for the recommendation! Glad you liked this post!

  4. Oh, the nail polish. It's like heaven in a nail polish. Great colors, great application...wicked bottle. They're like Pringles. Once you have one, you want them all.

    And you can't resist getting both Phallic (a deep shimmery blue) AND Rampage (forest green jelly) just so you can say Phallic Rampage.

    Yep, I'm totally juvenile.

  5. i am waiting to buy their bronzer. but everything with them looks so classy........
