Saturday, September 18, 2010

Secretly Excited!!!

So girlies, guess what!!! I am secretly (ok, not anymore) very excited about something and had to tell someone who would actually care!!

Drum roll please....

There is a MAC store and a Lush store within 15 minutes walking distance from my new place!!!!! Woooohoooo! Jumping for joy! Eeeks! Yayyyy!!!

If the hubby is reading this, he is probably pouting because now he knows where all the money will be going....hehehe.

The hubby and I moved in to a new place in Philadelphia (yes, that's where I moved to) and we are in the city, meaning lots of things to do and places to see, and best of all....we can walk to a lot of them! We can even walk to the theater that shows all the Broadway musicals here!! Yes, I am not-so-secretly very excited about that too! This will probably be the closest to the living-in-NYC experience I will ever get, but I don't mind because it's pretty similar and NYC is only a hour and 15 min train ride away. I have always wanted to live in NYC and living in center city Philly is very similar, and with each new cool hangout (or shop) that I discover, I am becoming more and more happy to be living here.

And for your viewing pleasure...a photo of the Philadelphia skyline:

(photo from askville by Amazon)


  1. wow..this is so nice and exciting dear...beautiful should put some more pics..

  2. That is very exciting! I am so happy for you!

  3. What a beautiful view of the city! Congratulations on the move and I hope you have fun exploring the new neighborhood.

  4. Thanks for all the support ladies!! XOXO to you all!

  5. Hope you 've settled in nicely by now! :)
    The skyline looks so pretty, it must be a nice city to live in! :)

