Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I Love Shoes and Other Current Faves

If you are like me, in addition to beauty products, you probably love other girly things like shoes and purses. Look what I found at Walmart the other day:

It's a high heel ornament! And it was only $1!! We don't have a tree up yet, so it's part of my end table decor, but I just love how it glitters when the light hits:

You may remember awhile ago I mentioned my fixation for Bath and Body Works candles. Well, I recently got these cute little candle holders that you just drop the candles in:

There are a few different designs but I just love this one for the holiday! And it makes your candles look fancier:

I am also addicted to home fragrance oils! They are just so much stronger than candles and I especially love how they cover up the smell of cooking...and use a lot of onions and spices....so I need these oils in my life!

Have you found any new home decor items?


  1. those shoe ornaments are cute!

    I don't have much decorated in my room because well..i'm in a dorm haha. decorating can be a pain.


  2. That shoe ornament is super cute!!!!
    Would look nice on a christmas tree!

