Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Happy Holidays and Other Tid Bits

Hello Lads and Lassies! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! I didn't get much chance to check in with you because I was with family all weekend. I experienced many firsts in the last few days:

1. My first Christmas as a married woman

2. My first Christmas with my in-laws

3. My first Christmas away from my family (sniff, sniff)

4. My first snow storm

This is the snow piled on the ledge outside our window.

5. My first time attending a Blue Man Group Show

This show was AMESOME! I didn't know what to expect and even now I can't describe it, but it is hilarious and super entertaining. I HIGHLY recommend it! After the show we met the 3 blue men and one of the guys touched his blue head with his thumb and stamped my playbill. Yes, it was real blue paint!!

What were some of the highlights of your Christmas weekend? What are you doing for New Years Eve?   I don't have any plans yet but I always prefer house parties over going to a club....somehow on NYE going out becomes so overrated and expectations for fun are too high. 


  1. Oh wow, I've been wanting to go see the Blue Man Group for ages! Hope they tour in England again. Hope you had a wonderful xmas huny! By the way, did you know that Lush had a special Xmas Gingerbread House tin this year? It contains four Lush products all smelling of gingerbread! I managed to grab on yesterday & even better it was half price! They may still have some left so go check it out! :)

    Aysh xoxo

  2. @Aysh You HAVE to go see Blue Man Group! I never really knew what the show was all about it, but I was laughing for about 50% of the performance!! And I was cheering the rest of the time! It was soooo awesome!

    Oh and I did see that gingerbread tin...but I am more of a soap and body wash person than a bath person and that tin had mostly bath products. But I must admit, the little gingerbread house bath melt or whatever was sooooo adorable!

  3. Aww the show looks awesome, will deffo look into tickets :) Aww never mind, I am deffo a bath person, love my bubbles! lol! And from following your lovely blog, I noticed your love for all things Gingerbread so thought I'd let ya know! But ya already did! hehehe! :)

    Aysh xoxo
