Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!!!

Happy New Year my lovelies!!!! Cheers to good health, happiness, and prosperity in 2011!! I want to thank each and every one of you for supporting Kajal Couture.....everything I write and each pic I snap is for you! Without your support this blog wouldn't exist and I want you to know I appreciate each comment, each question, each email, and each time you read a blog post. Thank you!!!!

2010 was a year of major changes for me (my wedding, my move to the East Coast, etc.), and I feel so fortunate for every positive event that has taken place. I think 2011 will be a calmer year for me but I am still excited for the new adventures the new year will bring! I also hope to keep growing the blog and getting to know you better. Cheers to 2011!!! What are you looking forward to?


  1. Happy New Year's to you, too! Congratulations on all that you have accomplished and experienced this year, and I hope that 2011 is even better for you.

  2. @K Thanks girlie!!! I hope you have a wonderful year ahead too!!!! Hugs!!
