Thursday, February 10, 2011

Glimpses of Costa Rica!!!

You dolls are are the FIRST to see photos from my Costa Rica vacation! I haven't even posted them on Facebook yet! These are just a few glimpses.....enjoy!

 Sunset on the beach

 We saw sooo much wildlife....a lot of which is unique to Costa Rica and Central America....and we saw all the animals in their own habitat....not in a zoo or anything! These monkeys were playing on a tree about 1 foot in front of us!

Me lounging in a hammock....I am absolutely OBSESSED with hammocks!  

 A frog with crazy red eyes! 

An old tree with new trees growing around it

A view of the green (inactive) side of the Arenal Volcano. It was foggy on the day we went to the black (active) side


  1. Thanks for posting these. I lived in La Fortuna for 3.5 years, and miss that volcano view.

  2. These are beautiful pictures! I need a vacation! :)

  3. @Joy OOoh!!! We went to La Fortuna waterfall and it was gorgeous! What were you doing there?

    @lipglossgossip Thanks! Any ideas where you want to go on your next vacation?

  4. Wow you are tall! The sunset looks amazing!

  5. Thanks for sharing! Lovely pics!

  6. Great photos, thx for sharing! :)

  7. oh wow . i went to costa rica 2 years ago. So many beautiful memories you just bought back, it really is a beautiful place
