Thursday, February 3, 2011

Zoya Happi is Bringing Happiness to My Winter

This winter has been pretty brutal here in the States. Just about every part of the country has had more rain or snow than ever before. I was so happy that the hubby and I missed a MAJOR snowstorm while we were in Costa Rica, and what happens the night we fly back to Philly? More snow!!

So, to keep myself in warm, summery spirits I decided to try out one of the new Zoya polishes that I ordered a few weeks ago. And what better shade to use than Happi!!

I LOVE nail lacquers with duochrome and this shade has such a lovely pink and gold duochrome! It is just perfect for spring and summer and every time I look at my nails it really does make me Happi!! =)

As far as the quality of the Zoya polish (since this was my first time using Zoya), I was impressed. The polish does not apply streaky or thick, it was very smooth and the brush was a good size, not too big or small. After wearing the polish for a few days I will let you know how well it wears. 

Do you do silly things like me and wear summery nail polishes or makeup to help deal with the winter blues? Have you tried Zoya?

Oh, and Happy Chinese New Year to those of you who celebrate!!! Gung Hay Fat Choi (excuse the spelling)!


  1. Looks super pretty :) I have a Sinful Colors polish called Sharone's Heart which is a bit similar, also a pink but with a more coppery sparkle.

  2. @Rocaille Ooh, I have never heard of Sinful Colors...where are they available?

  3. I have never heard of the colour. I will have to find one similiar over here in the UK!
