Friday, April 29, 2011

It's True! Kate Did Her Own Makeup!!

I am a total hopeless romantic and yes, I woke up at 5am EST to watch the royal wedding....and I was not the least bit disappointed!! What a fairytale wedding it was!!!

I loved EVERYTHING, from the Kate's classy and elegant dress, to the way the couple was able to incorporate themselves in the ceremony...amidst a guest list of 1700, you felt like you were observing a small, intimate wedding.

And word on the street, ok not the street, Vogue UK's website, is that Kate did her own makeup! Kate was rumoured to have had a series of private lessons prior to the wedding from London-based make-up artist Arabella Preston. However, on the day Miss Middleton was the one holding the brushes; choosing to create a softly smoky eye, enhancing the apples of her cheeks with a pink blush colour teamed with a matching lipstick shade:

And since I love cake, I can't help but drool over Will and Kate's gorgeous 8-tier wedding cake:

 Did you watch the royal wedding? What did you think about it?


  1. I loved the dress- it suited her style and she looked amazing! I missed most of the wedding but what I saw was lovely!

  2. i didn't get to watch it live ... but i LOVE her dress ... she looked beautiful!

  3. @missgiggles I agree Kate looked amazing. What a lucky princess!!!

    @Ev Kate looked dreamy...truly royal!

  4. I went down to the Mall to watch it, was literally a couple of hundred feet away from the cars as they turned off the Mall onto Horseguards Road - it was magical!

    I thought Catherine looked lovely, elegant and so happy and Pippa really shone throughout the wedding too - everyone is going crazy for Pippa here in the UK, with some publications calling her "the most eligible girl in England right now"!!

    Did you have street parties there in the States, or is that a peculiarly English thing?

  5. @Beauty Passionista Wow! Lucky girl to witness everything firsthand!!!

    Since the wedding was in the early hours of the morning in the States, there were not any street parties here, but I know that many restaurants and pubs had viewing parties, and of course family and friends had parties in their own homes. Pippa does seem like a wonderful young lady, and I LOVED her white bridesmaid's dress! How cute would it be if she dated Harry?

  6. i absolutely watched the wedding--i stayed up all night for it! i loved her modest and fitting for a church wedding. i'm in love with the sleeves, and of course the lace. i think if her veil was a little bit longer, that would have been nice..but it still looked great :)

  7. I did watch the wedding. I loved her lacey and modest gown, waltz length veil and minimal flowers. I think KM and William will be happy together. However, I think she should have hired a make up artist. The reason is, the foundation she used was too dark, the blush was too much and in the wrong part of her face. I think she didn't hire a make-up artist because ANY mua would have told her that the way she puts on her blush is just wrong. In fact, the official engagement pictures retouched *precisely* the excessively dark overdone blush.
