Thursday, July 14, 2011

Help...I can't decide!!! OPI Red Shatter Review and Swatch

I finally gave in to the crackle nail polish look and since my favorite nail polish color is red, I decided to get the red crackle, OPI Shatter in Red.

OPI Shatter in Red

I thought this would look amazing over gold (can you imagine that for an Indian!!) or over a vibrant orange or pink for the summertime. When I got home from the beauty shop, I was so anxious to try this out, and somehow I ended up reaching for this peach shade for the base color instead of an orange:

MAC Malibu Peach

So I read the instructions and got started, making sure I waited for the peach shade to dry completely. I actually waited 1.5 hours before topping the peach shade with the shatter red. 

So what was the final result?

So, I don't know what I think about this. The first issue is that the shatter seemed to remove the base color. You can't see any peach because it crackled along with the red. I am wondering if there was moisture on my nails because I did do a few dishes while I was waiting for the peach polish to completely dry. I figured if it was dry enough to not get messed up while doing dishes, it was completely dry. Guess not. The second issue is that I don't know how many base shades this red will look good with. 

I really can't decide if I like this or not. Some moments I look down and think it is sooo cool. Other moments I think it's too weird. I am considering exchanging this red for a black shatter. Can you help me decide what to do? How do you think the red shatter looks? Keep in mind I would use another base shade and make sure it really is dry before applying the shatter shade. 


  1. This one wld look really nice over black as well.. but red can be restrictive.. a black or white will go with a lot more base colors :)

  2. I second Tanveer.. red would look fab with black and gold.. Or you could even try silver or white (but that will look like cheesy 'red&white cigarettes)..
    But if I had the option of buying just one shatter nailpolish, I would buy an oxidized silver or a gold.. That way I could layer it on just about anything! :)

  3. black&white would be awesome! I really like that mac colour

  4. btw i REALLY like ur blog header :)!!!

  5. honestly, i think you should get a gold or silver crackle. if you get a gold one, you could use it over a red for your parties, and for anything else. it'll look great

  6. @Tanveer You're right, I think I am going to go for a more versatile color like black.

    @Ik Ooooh silver or gold! The store I got mine from didn't have those shades but I know Sephora sells them....I will check em out! Thanks!

    @ClassyandFabulous Thanks dear!!! That mac shade was from a year or two ago....its so great for spring and summer!

    @Anonymous Yeah, I think a silver or gold would be better too. Thanks!

  7. I love the crackle nail polish. I prefer the Black crackle and the Silver Crackle. I find that the colored crackle is hard to pair up.
