Wednesday, September 14, 2011

MIssoni for Target

If you are crazy about fashion and live in the US, you know that infamous fashion house Missoni collaborated with mass retailer Target to release a cheap-chic collection yesterday (Tuesday Sept 13th). Within just a couple hours of the collection going live on Target's website, the website crashed! People went CRA-ZAY over this collection. Not to mention the thousands who visited Target stores in the morning and snatched up everything worth grabbing. By the time I was able to actually get through to the website the items I wanted were sold out online and the website showed they were out of stock at the stores near me. I was able to get a couple items from the beauty section, like this cosmetic case which I think is absolutely adorable:

I must admit that I wasn't going crazy over this purely because of the label, but I really do like the purple zig zag pattern. I think that a lot of Missoni's patterns are beautifully abstract and complement neutrals in the perfect way. Since I didn't get the accessories I really wanted, I may have to hunt through all my neighborhood Targets or dream of winning the Lotto so I could afford the real deal. 

Did you lust after anything from the Missoni for Target collection?


  1. You know, I didn't. Missoni is just not my style. I'm not modern by any means of the imagination. I'm, as my mommy likes to put it, "a girly girl with comfort." That does not mean I like frills and ruffles and pink (I. HATE. Pink. IF it didn't look so good on me in terms of makeup I wouldn't wear it, but coral, purple, orange and all those other colors look HORRID on me so pink it is. Hate, hate, hate, hate, HATE pink.) I'm the person who goes gaga over damask print comforter but won't buy it unless it's in cotton (which, by the way, I have.) I love silk and Egyptian cotton. I go bananas over swirls and curls and things in purple...I really like my stuff feminine. There is no doubt when you walk in my bedroom that a female lives there (despite the overstuffed bookcase and dvd shelves.) I have little Re-ment dog toys from Japan that I collect and glass figurines!

    I am TOTALLY the opposite of Missoni. I don't think Missoni and I would last long in designing. I need my girly stuff. I need my little tiny tchotchkes. I'm more Amy Butler-esque. Not quite Amy Butler-esque, but you get the idea. I have this grand need to be feminine and artsy and my room sort of reflects it (though no one would ever guess that from me!)

  2. I am a girly, girl as well, but I had to at least get one item from the line. Target was mad crazy the first day, I needed a mid day glass of wine after that experience.
    Chiffon, Lace and Leather Fashion Blog
