Monday, February 6, 2012

Do You Brush On Your Brows? If So, Check Out Maybelline Ultra Brow Brush-On Color (Swatch and Review)

I found the Maybelline Ultra Brow Brush-On Color in my makeup stash, and I decided to try it out. Now, I should warn you, I rarely do my brows. I grew up having thick, bushy, pluck-and-the-hair-grows-back-5-min-later brows, so the idea of adding more color to my brows gives me the heeby-jeebies. However, over the years as I have grown in my makeup knowledge (and discovered the beauty of threading), I have learned that a strong, defined brow creates a frame for the eyes and can really impact a person's face. 

The Ultra Brow Brush-On comes in two colors: light brown and dark brown. The dark brown works well for me.

Although I never use the applicators that come with a product, I really like this one because it is wide, allowing me to finish the brows super quickly. 

Maybelline Ultra Brow Brush-On Color in Dark Brown

Here is what my brows look like naturally. They are not perfectly shaped, as I haven't had them professionally done in a long time, I thread them myself every couple weeks.

Here are my brows filled in with the Brush-On Color in Dark Brown

This brow powder averages around $6, which isn't bad, especially since there is so much product in the pan (0.1 oz). This is long lasting and I don't find that I need to touch up, and it doesn't rub off or bleed. That being said, I have used regular brown shadows to fill in my brows and I don't find that this is much different. It is available in most drug stores, most of which constantly have sales, so this is an inexpensive brow solutions. My only suggestion to Maybelline would be to expand the shade range.

Do you fill-in your brows? What product do you use?


  1. This looks great. I love the shape of that brush


  2. @Cynthia The brush was my favorite part of this product too!

  3. Wow.. This sounds amazing.. this is exactly what I have been looking for.. I doubt the availability in India :(

  4. Hey Kajal, you have beautiful eyes! I so wish this product was available in India too! :) Joined via GFC!

  5. @Aarthi This really is a good brow product...maybe you can check at a Maybelline counter?

    @manya Thanks dear! =)

  6. hey kajal, pretty eyes :)
    i love the idea of a brow filler, its a great rescue when the threading goes wrong. Thanks for the review.

  7. Oh.. I did check yday.. Not available here :(

  8. @Anu Thanks! Yes, a brow filler easily solves threading mistakes....which sometimes even the pros make!

    @Aarthi Aw boo. That just means you have to travel to the US now! =)
