Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Album #1, Photo #10

I was tagged by my blogger pal at Suka & Spice to do a photo post. The idea is to:

1. Open the first photo folder
2. Scroll to the 10th photo
3. Post the photo on your blog and tell the story behind it
4. Tag people to do the same

Ok, so I have to admit I cheated here. This was the 10th photo in my second folder not the first folder. In the first photo folder, the 10th photo was an embarrassing shot of an old friend and out of respect and privacy for my friend, I chose not to post that. So....I moved on the the next folder and this was the 10th one there.

This is a picture of me in a telephone booth in London. When I was in the UK a few years ago and I first saw this phone booth I went crazy because I have seen numerous Bollywood movies filmed in London and they always have a shot with the lead actor singing in and around a red phone booth. Who know, maybe Hrithik Roshan was once standing in this very booth!!! EEeeeks!
Now that you have seem my photo, I tag the following bloggers to do the same:


  1. for you, im gonna do it again


    love lots,

  2. ohhh! i did the same thing in London! I was so excited to see the phone booths, that my brother and I took turns snapping away at each other :) xx

  3. dear check my page =)

    *hugs* and *kisses*

    love lots,

  4. @rhaindrops oops! I checked your page and I did not see this post on there...sorry you had to do it again! =)

  5. @fantastic Those phone booths are soooo cool! Glad to know I am not the only silly one taking pics of phone booths. =)

  6. dear.. i have problem posting pix please visit back =)

  7. here's the link hun,


    *hugs* and *kisses*

    love lots,

  8. @rhaindrops Thanks so much! You are a doll!

  9. Cute photo! I love the booth. I just posted mine. I'm sorry it took so long. :(

