Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Thank You hugs to my readers!

Thank you to all of you for continuing to support my blog and for entering the giveaway! The winner will be notified later today...yippee!

I also wanted to let you all know that I leave this Friday to go to India for a couple weeks so I probably will not be posting as frequently as I would like to. I am going to try and do a few in the next few days but let's see how that goes with me also trying to work and pack. Yes, I know, packing shouldn't be a major issue, but if any of you have family abroad, then you know that packing to go to a foreign country means having to run around at the last minute like a madwoman buying presents for everyone and also buying the loooooong list of items that family members have requested. I don't mind this process as it builds the excitement for the trip, it just means added chaos leading up to the moment I go to the airport. Ahhhh......the thrill of traveling....=)

Anyhoo, I also plan to hit up some cosmetic counters while I am there so stay tuned for my reports on whether or not I find anything good. I am most excited to see if they have good kajal-like eyeliner pencils for the waterline. Keeping my fingers crossed!


  1. Have a safe trip! Hope you find that perfect liner.

  2. Have a fun and safe trip to India! Take some pictures for us!

    Packing is always hard, isn't it? I've moved 13 times and I still overpack for trips.

    Make sure your kajal eyeliner doesn't contain lead (some Indian eyeliners contain it) but I hope you find that perfect liner! It's like finding the perfect red lipstick.

  3. @rhaindropz thanks!!! will keep you all posted on my travels.

    @ Neena I hope I find that perfect liner too! Whether or not I do, I am sure you will all hear about the adventure! =)

    @Kaie Thanks for the tip on the kajal. I will be sure to check the ingredients before I purchase. I know what you mean about the packing...it all goes back to my explanation that I want to look on trips because I am taking pics or seeing people I don't always see, so I need (aka want) more stuff with me, but can't have it all...i'm trying to be good this time though...let's see what makes it into my luggage with me.

  4. hi hun

    who won your giveaway?

