Monday, August 17, 2009

Giveaway!!!! - The Sweet 15 Kit

I have been wanting to do this for awhile now and finally it's here! It's my first giveaway!!!

You have an opportunity to win the Jane Iredale Sweet 15 Kit pictured below!! It is a limited edition palette featuring 15 shadows, 3 blushes, and 3 lip colors, all packaged in 1 kit that comes with a mirror inside. This palette is not even released yet but my people were kind enough to offer up 1 of these fabulous kits to the readers of Kajal Couture.
This kit is in a storybook form, when you open the first page you will see the 15 PurePressed eyeshadows pictured below. There is a really good mix of neutrals and colors, some are Jane Iredale's best selling colors and some are new.

The next page features the 3 PurePressed blushes and 3 Just Kissed Lip Plumpers. These are just too cute! On the left of the page is a decent sized mirror that can be used if you have no other mirror handy.
The little flyer that comes with this kit even has instructions on how to achieve different looks.

This is wonderful for both beginners and pros alike! The colors will suit almost all skin tones and you will definitely find at least a few faves. It sells for $78 but is valued at $129! Overall I think it is a great kit and I kind of wish I could keep it for myself, but I will stick to my plan and make one lucky winner very happy!

So what do you have to do to win? All you have to do is:

1. Leave a comment in this post telling me what you like about this blog and what types of posts you would like to see in the future, AND

2. Write in your email address in your comment post. If you are uncomfortable leaving your email address in the post, feel free to email me at and let me know which post is yours.

Entries/comments are due at midnight, Monday August 24, 2009 so make sure you comment by then. That's it! Good luck and I hope you use your comments to make this blog better for all of you!! =)


  1. Oh, giveaways! I love giveaways! Minerals are good for my hyper-sensitive skin too.

    I'm a list person so the best way I can answer this is in list format.

    Things I love about the blog:
    1. First and foremost, you're so pretty! God I'd love to naturally that tan over my naturally vampiric German/French-Oneida/English-Scot pale skintone. I got a teensy weensy bit of a tan from walking Zena but still, in winter, you can guarantee my skin's going to turn blue-white again.

    2. The blog is very easy to read and you're very friendly.

    3. I love that you love your heritage as an Indian and are generally happy about your looks. Some of us going around denying our heritage or trying to down-play it. I can't even tell you how many times I compliment a darker-toned woman on her beautiful skin-tone and they all say they wish they had my pale mixed European skin as they hate their Japanese/Mandarin/Indian/Hispanic/etcetera skin Some even hate their own heritage culture.

    4. Okay, I love anyone that loves Aveeno as much as I do. My daily moisturising lotion is the Holy Grail of calming down my reactive skin.

    What Types of Posts I'd like to see/Suggestions:
    1. Pet posts if you have a pet! There's nothing more uniting than posts talking abot our crazy pets. Karen (MBB) and I love jabbering about how her cat Tabs has got to be cut from the same cloth as my Decker Zena. I can gab all day about my crazy dog.

    2. Just talk about daily life.

    3. Aveeno, aveeno, aveeno. I love that brand. Any Aveeno post is a good post in my mind. I can't use all their stuff (hello perfume/fragrance) but I love posts on Aveeno. Anything to feed the spread the Aveeno addiction.

    4. Drugstore posts.

    5. I may not comment all the time (okay, this is my first) but I'm everywhere all the time so make posts short, concise and colorful! Commenting is sort of a luxury for me. I've got too much to do to comment on EVERY single blog I regularly stop by. Colorful posts are almost gauranteed to get a comment from me, especially the ones that make me giggle. I'm as busy as a person with my wide-array of disorders can be with college, appointments, and practically a full-time job as the Zena Entertainer/Retriever/Groomer/Baby-sitter/Pillow. I do try to read everything on a daily basis thouggh.

    And, you can reach me at: sparklinggoddess @ hotmail . com (erase the spaces. Comments do weird things to my e-mail)

    I hope this helps! I'll bookmark this site so I remember to read it.

  2. Hello, new follower here. I am really liking your product reviews and deal posts. I will definitely keep reading those today! I would love to see more reviews in the future and maybe even some make-up tutorials. That would be fun! :)


  3. Good Job on the blogs!! Its always nice to read and har other ppls opinions on makeup and other beauty products out on the market. Being a makeup artist myself, it's good to learn from others. No one knows it all and i feel it's a learning process with each client. And who doesn't like sales and deals!

    I think you have a good variety of post going on so just keep up with what you're doing. Make up tutorials like cindy suggested sure would be fun. Maybe there's stuff you do or use that i don't and it's always good to know new ways and techniques!

  4. wow.. more giveaways..

    1. What i love about this blog?

    1st is the color background, i love pink too, 2nd are your post reviews about different products that is not familiar with me/not available here in Philippines, and thank you for sharing them. Also, i want you to share your own NOTD's


    Dear i wanted to share another giveaway by "TheMakeupSnob"(to all MAC, SEPHORA and NYX lovers) click here: and take your part!

    love lots,

  5. I would really like to see a post about face shapes. I'm always amazing at the application of blush, the whole bronzer, apple, highlight dilemma. So a post on where to put these items based on your face shape...would be awesome!

  6. What I like about your blog is that it's for everyone, not just one ethnic group or skintone.

    What I'd love to see is a way to get your blog in my email so I won't miss it any day.

  7. oh no! i posted a comment, but it didn't seem to go through!

    Jane Iredale...ooooh! I had the biggest hangup about mineral makeup, until I began using her products. It happened right after a facial, and my facialist said she was going to apply some to my newly cleansed face--I freaked out, and told her no, but ended up complying. It didn't congest my skin at all, and I still use the products to this day!

    Alright, what i enjoy about your blog, is your genuine sincerity and desire to interact with your readers and tailor to their needs. There's a big difference between that, and people who post...just to post.

    What I would love to see, would be more reviews, and inside scoop--it seems like you've got some, and I'd love to hear it :)

  8. I love your blog. I really like that you share a little bit about yourself as well as your opinions about products. I feel as if we are friends chatting about cosmetics. I would like to see more pictures with the posts! Continue with the good work :)

  9. What I like:
    - Product reviews - for both makeup and skincare
    - Celebrity beauty rituals - it's always fun to read aand find out bout products celebrities are using
    - posts about deals available
    What I'd like to see in future posts:
    - continue with what you're doing - I love it all =)
    - more techniques and makeup tutorials

    Keep up the great work!

  10. Hi! I just stumbled across your blog so I haven't looked around much, but you seem really sweet and honest which is something I appreciate. I'll be checking out your archives, come visit my blog too! :)

  11. who's the winner of this giveaway dear?
