Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Fall Home Scents and Where Do You Put Your Pajamas?

I love candles. Candles used for decor, candles used for fragrance, candlelight dinners, and even the little oil-burners (well, there is usually a tea-light candle in there, right?).

So it won't come as a surprise that come fall, I find myself wanting to burn those little wicks buried inside of wax molds infused with the heartwarming scents of pumpkin, cinnamon, cookies, and even mint chocolate chip. Mint chocolate chip, you ask? Yes!

This is one of my recent finds at Bath and Body Works! Oooh I love that store! They have the most amazing selection of candles (and scented oils) including Homemade Cookies, Fireside, Holly Wreath, Vanilla Caramel....and tons more! I HIGHLY recommend checking out the selection before these limited seasonal fragrances disappear. They even have the cutest plug-in air fresheners!

If you have been following me for awhile, you know I recently moved, so naturally I have been a bit obsessed with home decor (another reason I went nuts for the candles). Since the hubby and I live in the city, and like most city apartments (think NYC), our place has no storage. Zip. Zilch. Nada. I have resorted to finding creative home storage solutions and one of my best finds was this over-the-door hook:

I found this at Home Goods....another new favorite store...and it was only $7.99!!! As you can see, there are 10 hooks....yup, 10!! Ok, I know I am overly excited but I saw these types of hooks at a few stores before getting this one, and they all had less than 10 hooks, and cost way more than $7.99! In any case, I really needed a place to store my pajamas, since I usually wear them a couple times before washing, and this was the best solution for me.

What are your fave home storage solutions? Where do you keep your PJs if you wear them more than once?


  1. I love scented candles but they irritate my boyfriend, so I can't burn them as much as I'd like :( Vanilla/sweet scents are my fave.
    I keep my PJs under my pillow!
    Kat x
    Don’t forget to enter my giveaway @ Click&Make-Up!

  2. @Kat I find a lot of people keep their PJs under their pillow....popular place!!

  3. Oooohhh... mint chocolate!:D

    I wear them once then wash.:D

    ***** Marie *****

  4. I love Bath & Body's candles too! I light them when I am cooking in hopes of keeping the aroma from the cooking to a minimum.
    As for my PJ's I hang them as well. Sometimes I'll hang them on a hanger and put them in my closet if the door hanger is full. My favorite store has been the Container Store to maximize my organization needs.

  5. @Marie You must have a lot of PJs then! =)

    @Neena Yes!! Cooking can be good for the aromas, but then smell up the whole house too!
