Thursday, October 21, 2010


Why is it that products seem to run out at the same time? In a matter of 2 days, 3 of my daily use products finished:

1. Victoria's Secret Hand and Body Cream in Mango Temptation - I used VS lotions all the time and since I use them on my body, I already know they won't last forever. This one was a gift and I don't think I will repurchase this fragrance, as it was more fruity than I prefer, but I will definitely continue with my fave scents Love Spell and Amber Romance. 

2. Korres Ginger and Vitamins Foundation - Yes, I know, you are tired of hearing how much I love this. It just means time to do some Korres shopping!

3. Korres Mango Butter Lipstick in Natural Purple - This lipstick feels like a lip balm but actually provides a bit of color...sort of like a lip tint. It is the creamiest, most moisturizing lip product I have ever used! I actually used this more to moisturize my lips than to add color, the color was just a bonus. And it has SPF 10!! It's not the most long lasting product out there, but definitely the most moisturizing lipstick I have ever come across! I will definitely repurchase and perhaps try out some other shades. Oooh...and if you are interested, they usually have great sets of these lipsticks for the holidays! 

What products are you constantly repurchasing?


  1. The lipstick sounds very interesting, I'm up for anything moisturizing for the lips! xxx

  2. @Rocaille Oooh you should try that lipstick! My lips love it! And the mango makes it smell nice too!
