Thursday, December 16, 2010

Holiday Spirit!

Fa la la la la, la la la la!!!

I am such a cheeseball when it comes to the holidays!! I love the decorations! I love the spirit of giving! I love time with friends and family! I love the cheer! I love the music (yes, that's me with the Mariah Carey Christmas album on repeat)! I love the sweets!!!

Oh and I love the shopping! But I tend to shop for myself just as much as I shop for others. Shhhh.....don't tell Santa!! =)

In the spirit of the holidays, I enjoy baking all sorts of treats, but occasionally I can't help but get ready made ones. Look at the amazing treats I found at Trader Joes the other day:

I never had a whoopie pie before, but this is the start of a new treat addiction!

Yes, these are even more delicious than they look!

I am OBSESSED with gingerbread. Even to the point where I have gingerbread pajamas!

What are your favorite things about the holiday?


  1. I love your gingerbread PJs, so perfect for the Christmas Day morning!

  2. I'm not a big whoopee pie person, but the idea of gingerbread and chai sounds amazing!

  3. I love the holidays too! Especially all the good food and drinks! I love your Pj's!

  4. @Rocaille Thanks! Unfortunately my parents always made me shower and get dressed so we didn't do presents in our PJs. =/

    @K This was my first whoopie pie! And I am liking em!!!

    @Neena Thanks! The holidays are all about the sweets and indulgences! =)
