Friday, December 10, 2010

Is Going Natural Really Worth Smelling El Naturale?

Put yo' hands up! Put yo' hands up! Put yo' hands up if you like smelling like rotten cucumbers!!

If your hands are waving through the air, you might like Fresh's popular Soy Face Cream:

Unfortunately, I couldn't tell you how effective this is because I couldn't wear it more than once! This stuff smells like rotten cucumbers that need to get chucked, not smeared on your face. Now, no offense to Fresh, because I do like some of their other products (hello Brown Sugar Scrub!), but I expected a brand that makes some great scented products to be able to take the smell out of a cream that is going to be rubbed on your face, including the upper lip, where you are exposed to the putrid smell allll...daaaayy....looong. 

What I did notice is that this moisturizer is creamy and very moisturizing, and probably better for dryer skin, or all skin types in the dry winter months. I know this line has a huge following, and they use a lot of natural ingredients in their products, so it probably has some good benefits, but I couldn't stick to it long enough to find out.

Have you tried anything from the Fresh Soy line?


  1. Sounds awful, I hate face products with unbearable scents! x

  2. If the scent is like that? No, thank you.

    Have a wonderful weekend!:D

    ***** Marie *****

  3. Oh goodness no. I'll take artificial nice-smelling creams.

  4. I am with you ladies! I'll stay away from smelly products!! Hope all of you are having a happy holiday season!

  5. I hate when face products stink. Sounds aweful!

  6. Ugh! Felt the same about a very popular moisturiser from Liz Earle, which I know has a huge following, but it just smelt like rotten fish, so I just had to throw it all away.

    Much as I hate unnecessary perfumes in facial products, I can't stand ones that stick to high heaven!

    Hope you have a lovely Christmas and New Year!

  7. Sorry to hear that! Maybe it was old? I really like Fresh and while the Face Cream was too emollient for me during the spring/summer, I found it made an awesome hand cream! I never experienced it smelling rancid however. Maybe you can get an exchange and see if you have the same issue?
