Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The MAC 234 and 235 Split Fiber Brushes Are Making Me Do The Splitz!

Hey all! I have been waiting a LOOONG time for the MAC Semi Precious collection and I have been jumping for joy that it is finally here! Why? Because I go cra-zay for brushes and there are a whopping 4 new MAC brushes released with this collection! Today I am reviewing the 2 eye brushes: the MAC 234 and 235 split fibre brushes. First up is the 234 Split Fibre Eye Blending Brush:

As you can see, the fibres are really split in half, one side having natural hairs (the black side) and the other side having synthetic hairs (the white side):

This brush is very similar in size to the 217 eye blending brush, in that the hairs are about the same length, and the base of the bristles are somewhat flattened, not perfectly round like the 224 brush. The 217 is also more rounded at the top:

View from the side:
Top: 217 brush (yes, it's dirty...but it was the only one I had out)
Bottom: 234 brush

 View from the top:
Top: 217 brush
Bottom: 234 brush

 My overall view of the split-fibre brushes is that they are great if you have a tendency to layer powder products over cream products. Natural hair bristles are best for powder products and synthetic hair bristles are better for cream and liquid products. In my opinion, the synthetic hair side of the 234 brush is great for applying concealer under the eye, and the natural hair side is great for setting the concealer with powder. Instead of using two different brushes, you can achieve two different product applications with just one brush. The same can be said about eyeshadow. I like to use a synthetic hair brush for applying eye primers, and then a natural hair brush for applying powder shadow. Instead of using two brushes, I could use one split fibre brush. I really like the new 234 split fibre brush for this purpose:

The 235 brush has been used everyday since I got it. I use the synthetic hair side to apply my paint pots and I use the natural hair side to apply powder shadow on my lid and on my browbone. However, I can't use the 235 to place small amounts of shadow to small places, because it is quite a large brush.

 View from the top:
Top: 239 brush
Bottom: 235 brush 

View from the side:
Top: 239 brush
Bottom: 235 brush 

With the 235, I still need to use a smaller brush to apply shadow to the crease and outer corner. However, I do like not having to use a completely separate brush for my paint pots/eye primer.

Some people are saying that the split fibre brushes are a gimmick, but I really find them to be useful. They have the same high-quality workmanship as MAC's permanent brushes, and they do retain their shape and softness after washing. Although these brushes were released as part of a mineralized collection, I am not sure if they apply mineral products any better because I don't use too many mineral eye products and I haven't tried the split fibre face brushes yet. In any case, I really like these new eye brushes and they will definitely get a lot of use from me. 

What's your opinion of the new split fibre brushes?


  1. Great review.
    These brushes sound very useful and not gimmicky at all.
    Good idea to use one side of the 235 for primer/paint pots and the other to lay show over that.
    I wonder how the 234 comapres to the 217 for blending.

  2. Hi, thanks for the review. I have the 234 and I wasn't really sure for what I could use it. I tried blending but that didn't go to well. I'll definitely try applying my paintpots with the brush tomorrow. And thanks for telling me which side the synthetic one is ;)


  3. @lunamac The 234 doesn't blend that well. It's ok but not nearly as good as the 217 for blending purposes.

    @beautifulsnow Glad this post was helpful! Let me know if the 234 works for you with paint pots.

  4. Sorry I never replied to your comment ;) it works great with my paint pots, the 234 is now in my everyday routine! Thanks
