Monday, July 4, 2011

Makeup Tip Monday: Foundation Shopping

I know I missed my tip for last Monday, so please forgive me, but I hope you enjoy today's tip! I find it to be super helpful when I go foundation shopping:

When trying on a new foundation at a cosmetic store/counter, bring a pocket sized mirror with you or borrow one from the counter for a few minutes. After getting color-matched and applying the foundation to your face, take the mirror and step outside the store in to natural sunlight. Looking at the foundation in natural light will give you the best indicator of whether or not the foundation is a true match. A lot of times, stores are dark or have harsh yellow lighting that alters the appearance of foundation and you end up purchasing the wrong shade. 

I once heard that women buy 7 foundations before finding one that works for them. Hopefully, this tip will help narrow that number for some of you. 

Also, Happy 4th of July for those of you in the States. How will you be celebrating?

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