Thursday, January 19, 2012

How to Prevent Eyeshadow Fallout

Ladies, you know how frustrating eyeshadow fallout can be. You finish your eye makeup only to look down at your cheeks to find traces of eyeshadow just sitting there glaring at you. And most often than not, this happens to me on days when I do my foundation first then my eye makeup, AND I am running late for an event.

Hopefully, these next few tips will help prevent that nasty fallout in the future:

1. Do your eye makeup first, then do your face makeup. That way, if you have to clean up any fallout, you can do so on clean skin and won't have to rub off and reapply foundation, concealer, poweder, etc.

2. When using brushes to apply eye makeup, swirl your brush in the shadow, then tap the handle against your hand to let the loose, excess product fall off the brush on your hand instead of on your face. I do this with almost all powder products (blush, powder, etc.) so that excess product does clump in one are of the skin or fall all over the place.

Brush right after swiping in shadow

Tapping brush on back of hand

Brush after tapping - all excess shadow has fallen off

3. Try using your finger to apply eyeshadow. When picking up product with your finger, excess product will not adhere to your finger, so you don't have to worry about that product falling out on your face. Of course, ALWAYS use your ring finger, as it is the most delicate on your skin, and ALWAYS wash your hands before and after.

Finger swiped in shadow

4. Try using a shadow shield. I picked these up at Sephora a few months ago, but I think similar products are available at other retailers as well. They work pretty well, but are somewhat annoying because there is an adhesive part on one side of the shadow shield and it is annoying to peel off. Plus, this can get pretty expensive if you use them everyday, but might be worth it when doing bright eye makeup or super heavy shadowing.


  1. I like all these tips. Personally, I like to use translucent rice powder or Ben Nye Neutral Setting Powder with a control powder brush to sweep away fallout. I keep both in my pro kit.

  2. I have never tried that shadow shield....thanks for the great tips!

  3. Love this post!
    I use stickier base like Fyrinnae Pixie Epoxy and instead of using regular shadow shield, I use post-it as a shadow shield!

  4. I love using Shadow Shields. My hands tend to be unsteady during application so this is quite a useful tool for me.
