Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I'm a Bahama Mama! (Ok, not a Mama, but I did just return from the Bahamas!)

Hello dear! How are you? I am back from my vacation and it was WONDERFUL! My husband and I went on a Bahamian cruise with another couple who are good friends of ours here in Philadelphia. It was so nice to get away from the cold and enjoy the warm, sunny beaches of the Bahamas. Here are a few pics from paradise:

The beautiful lounging area on a private cruise-owned island

My friend and I testing the temperature of the Bahamian beach water

Akward photo yes, but the water was so clear you could see my feet!

Outside the MAC store in Nassau...I was surprised they had a MAC so I had to take a photo of course!

The towel monkey our cabin steward left for us! This is made of one bath towel and one hand towel. Everyday we had a different towel animal waiting for us.

I absolutely LOVE cruising because it is so relaxing and the food is so delicious! No worries about carrying around money because everything is charged to the room, no worries about food because you can eat whenever you want and don't have to search around for a good restaurant, and everything is convenient.

In other news, if you are still thinking about getting the Urban Decay Book of Shadows IV, right now it is discounted on the Urban Decay website from $64 down to $44, and if you use code SEVENTEEN11 then you save an additional $15. That means the $64 palette is only $29! 


  1. Thank you so much for the Urban Decay steal Kajal !

  2. looks like you had quite a lovely time! your water picture made me gush and prompted me to start googling a vacay!

  3. OMG gorgeous! I hope you had an amazing time it looks like heaven! The water looks lovely!!
